Mit vielfältigen Mitteln wird am Rhön-Gymnasium dafür gesorgt, dass die Schüler alltags- und studientaugliche Englischkenntnisse erwerben: Es gibt über den normalen Unterricht hinaus ein Programm zur Leseförderung, englische Klassenbibliotheken, einen Vorlesewettbewerb, ein Englisch-Projekt, einen Konversationskurs, …
Mit Englisch um die Welt
Den meisten Spaß macht Englisch, wenn man mit englischen oder amerikanischen Leuten in dieser Sprache unterhalten kann. Unseren Kindern werden viele Möglichkeiten geboten, sich mit Muttersprachlern auf Englisch zu auseinanderzusetzen, zum Beispiel:
Das Verständnis der Kinder und der Spaß an der Sprache wird darüber hinaus durch ein Lektüreprogramm gefördert. Die Schulbibliothek besitzt einen großen Anteil an englischen Büchern, die im Schwierigkeitsgrad auf die jeweiligen Kompetenzniveaus der Schülerinnen und Schüler abgestimmt sind. In der siebten Jahrgangsstufe findet außerdem ein englischer Lesewettbewerb statt.
Hello, dear future exchange partners out there!
This is only our first year of English.
But: we’re fed up with Covid and want to have our school exchanges back, so that we can take part in them, too, when we are a little older.
So don’t forget our school and Bad Neustadt. It is a great place. We hope you’ll come to visit us soon.
We have already got some information for you.
Just click on the questions and have fun.
Bad Neustadt
Franz-Marschall Straße 7, 97616 Bad Neustadt a.d. Saale
Tel. 09771 / 63 015 0
Fax. 09771 / 63 015 – 99
Mail: direktorat[at]
In Bad Neustadt you can do a lot of fun things, like going swimming in Triamare. There are cool waterslides and indoor and outdoor pools. You can watch nice movies in the cinema. If you like sports, we have a skate park. Our handball and football clubs are quite good, too. You can meet up with your friends and walk around the old city centre and look at all the shops. In the winter you can go ice skating in town or go skiing in the Rhön hills. There you can do many more nice things in summer, e.g. mountain biking, hiking on Kreuzberg or visiting Wasserkuppe with your host family. This is the highest hill there and has a fun park on top. You can also go to Klaushof, a small regional zoo, and feed the animals there.
Bad Neustadt is a small town in the north of Bavaria near the Rhön Hills. But small doesn’t mean that Bad Neustadt is boring! Absolutely not:
It is almost 1300 years old. It has got a pretty city centre. 15000 very nice people live here.
In Bad Neustadt you can do many fun things in your free time.
There are also many schools, like Rhön-Gymnasium for example, a big hospital and famous companies like Siemens or Preh.
The next bigger city near Bad Neustadt is Schweinfurt, but it isn’t far from Würzburg, Bamberg and Fulda, either. The Rhön Hills near here are famous for their nature and wild animals.
Hi, our town has got lots of good restaurants. In town you can find Greek, Italian and Asian restaurants. But of course you can try German food, too. Have a Bratwurst on the market square or try one of our traditional German restaurants or pubs.
We have got some fast food shops and a nice restaurant in a very old castle; the name of the castle is Salzburg. On the market square there is an ice cream parlour, so you can sit there, have an ice cream and watch the crowd.
If you don’t want to go to a restaurant, try the German bread and cake from one of our bakeries.
Our school has got a very good cafeteria, too. They cook fresh regional food; it is yummy and cheap.
Your host families can also cook very well. So you needn’t stay hungry.
When you come into a host family you don’t have to be scared. All the host families are very friendly.
Your exchange partner can speak English with you all the time. But you can also learn some German words from your exchange partner.
With your host family you can cook and learn something about their culture. And you can help in the household, too. Some of the families have more than one child, so you can play with the children.
If you miss your family, you can make a phone call. But usually you don’t have time to miss your family, because they will go on lots of trips with you. So it won’t be boring!
If you need help, there is always somebody who helps you.
In the time with your host family you will get more self-confident and you will find some new friends.
This exchange will be fantastic for you! You won’t regret it!
Yes, they do. Almost everyone can speak it.
In our school we have to learn English. Our English teachers teach us. They already speak perfect English. Some words in Germany are English too, for example: T-Shirt, Baby, Shorts and Clown.
So when you need help you can always find somebody who understands you.
Our school has 735 students and about 70 teachers. The school building is very big and modern, it has an A-,B-,C-,D- and E-part and a multifunctional sports field. The B- part is very new.
We have 2 art rooms, 3 computer rooms, 3 music rooms and 2 huge gyms.
There is a library with a lot of cool books. There are even some books in English.
In our big cafeteria they cook yummy food.
And we have got an OGS-area where kids do their homework in the afternoon and play with their friends.
There is a friendly atmosphere at our school.
The school is quite old, but it is very modern, too.
We do lots of projects, for example life hacks, environment projects, science projects, an English project, or a project day on one topic for the whole school.
We have our own school magazine Konturen. We are a so-called school without racism/ school with courage, we are MINT-friendly, sustainable and have won a lot of nice prizes in competitions.
We do many school trips, e.g. skiing in Austria in the 7th and 8th grade (when it’s possible without Covid) and field days, trips to the theatre and much more. We have got many school exchanges, too, with Israel, Great Britain, France and Australia!
Sometimes there are concerts or theatre performances. Our school is cool!!!
In our school there are six official dogs and a puppy. You think this is crazy but it isn´t. Sometimes the dogs come to us and want to find out what is under the desks. They can do many tricks.
A lot of the time they sleep and sleep and sleep, and they need to; but when the class is too loud the dogs can’t sleep. So the class must be quiet. Then they can hear Chipsy snoring.
Schooldogs are nice. Most kids love them. They can be their friends. Some kids are a bit scared of the dogs, but soon they learn not to be scared of dogs anymore. This is a good thing.
We must stay at home, if we have got corona-typical symptoms. We have to keep 1.5 meters’ distance. We must wash our hands before a covid test. We mustn’t touch other people. We wear masks and often air the rooms. We sneeze into our elbow. We must test 3 times a week. If somebody is tested positive, he must stay in quarantine. If too many students are positive in a class, the whole class must stay at home. Then they get some home-schooling.