09771 63 015 0

Elfin am Rhön-Gymnasium

Ein Abschiedsbrief an die gesamte Schulgemeinschaft

Dieses Jahr im Dezember durfte die Klasse 6c die englischsprechende Weihnachtselfin Snowly Mistletoe beherbergen. Zum Jahreswechsel hat sie uns nun wieder verlassen und wir werden sie trotz des ein oder anderen Schabernacks sehr vermissen. Snowly hat es bei uns im Schulgebäude offensichtlich auch äußerst gut gefallen, wie ihrem Abschiedsbrief an die gesamte Schulgemeinschaft zu entnehmen ist:

To all the staff and students at the Rhön Gymnasium, especially my dear class 6c,
To be honest, at the beginning I wasn’t thrilled about spending the coldest time of the year at a local school. You know, with all that learning and revising going on there isn’t much room for mischief. However, I didn’t really have a choice. This year there was no cosy and comfortable family home left for me to stay. Every family was taken! Then, class 6c wrote their wonderful letter of application to Santa as they wanted me to stay with them. So I gave it a try.

The day I was delivered in my little parcel by one of the office personnel during an English lesson, Class 6c gave me a heart-warming welcome – and I am sure this was not only because of all the chocolates that came with the parcel. The students passed me around, covering me in a cloth to make sure they didn’t touch me so that I wouldn’t lose my Christmas magic. They named me Snowly Mistletoe – what a wonderful name!
Fair enough, at the Rhön-Gymnasium there was lots of studying going on but I had a wonderful time despite this: there were plenty of dogs to ride on, a gym to tone my little elf body, a library with lots of entertaining and interesting books and tons of sweets in the vending machine. To make myself useful, I cleaned the aquarium and practiced my violin for the Christmas concert. Attached you will find some (s)elfies that show what I was up to. And did you feel that Christmassy feeling growing in your heart? That was my elf-magic, by the way.
With Christmas over now and all the work done for this year, I am heading back to the North Pole with a heavy heart. I’d like to thank you all for making your school my home during the weeks before Christmas. I really enjoyed my stay at the Rhön Gymnasium and – and if I may – I’d love to come back next year.

If you miss me, you are always welcome to write. I gave Ms Deutscher my address so she can deliver your mail to me. And please, always remember to do your homework. Your teachers do get a bit scary if you forget!
Keep up the good work!

Snowly Mistletoe

Text: Jelena Deutscher & Snowly Mistletoe
Bilder: Schüler*innen der Klasse 6c

Franz-Marschall Straße 7, 97616 Bad Neustadt a.d. Saale

Tel. 09771 / 63 015 0
Fax. 09771 / 63 015 – 99
Mail: direktorat[at]rhoen-gymnasium.de